Tuesday, October 23, 2012

InterWeave Smart Solutions – SugarCRM to QuickBooks Integration – now on the Sugar Exchange

After a long wait from the Sugar Forge, InterWeave Smart Solutions are now on the Sugar Exchange.  http://www.sugarexchange.com/product_details.php?product=308
Configure your InterWeave Integration Solution that integrates all SugarCRM objects (Accounts, Contacts, Quotes, Products, Cases, etc.) to all QuickBooks objects (Customers, Jobs, Sales Orders, Sales Receipts, Invoices, Estimates, Items, etc.) with your business process and work flow – all with Configuration. Sophisticated Customizations? Custom Process? Custom Objects? Custom Fields? Call Us – We do this every day.
We are delighted to be here. Keep tuned, this is the first of many.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mark Soloway – Soloway Designs – Architecture and Planning chose InterWeave Smart Solutions for their Salesforce_QuickBooks Integration

InterWeave Smart Solutions was recommended to us by our Salesforce Consulting Partner, MK Partners, as THE Integration Solution to integrate our Salesforce and QuickBooks. Soloway has created a new product, Tady Tote, which is a soft, flexible indoor/outdoor cushioned area for your baby to play on, have tummy time, nap or roll around. Quick and easy to clean-up, it is ideal for play dates, outings at a park, or really anywhere. Tady Tote is available on our ecommerce website – www.tadytote.com. Our Consulting Partner had written the integration between our ecommerce site and Salesforce, so what we needed now was full integration between Salesforce and QuickBooks, in real-time, to process our ecommerce transactions (Sales Receipts). We are highly interested in utilizing the reporting capabilities of Salesforce to understand demographic selling and to quickly adapt to changing market conditions, but needed complete back office transaction accounting seamlessly integrated.

The patience, support and guidance provided by the InterWeave Smart Support group has been exemplary. GTM meetings were easily scheduled, new feature request were implemented and we have configured the exact Solution that works for us. We found the InterWeave team easy to work with, knowledgeable and ready to recommend best practices with work flow and business process within our Salesforce/QuickBooks ecosystem. They are a 5 out of 5. 

My name is Marc Soloway, and I am the CEO and Founder of Soloway Designs, Inc. You can contact me at (520) 219-6302 x7001. For details about my company, visit our website at www.soloway-designs.com or www.tadytote.com

Brush Off, Inc. chose InterWeave Smart Solutions for Salesforce_QuickBooks_eCommerce Integration

Brush Off selected Salesforce.com after utilizing our own custom in-house solution for years. We needed a Solution that would seamlessly integrate our front office (Salesforce) with our back office (QuickBooks) and our eCommerce transactions – all in real time. We wanted the flexibility to transition the implementation of Salsforce.com on our schedule, when we were comfortable with the timing and our learning curves. This required the ability to utilize bi-synchronize, a hundred dollar word for instantly updating each other. As importantly, we needed to work with a group that had the knowledge and experience in all the areas we are working in – this is why we chose InterWeave Smart Solutions.

Working with InterWeave  has been a pleasure; thoughtful conversations based on years of experience with Salesforce, QuickBooks and eCommerce Solutions. For support, either call or submit a ticket and you are promptly contacted, either to discuss and resolve an issue based on best practices, or engage in a GotoMeeting with senior Solution Specialists that have done this many times before. We have spent considerable time customizing Salesforce to adopt to our business practices and work flow. With InterWeave , it’s all configuration, so I may configure the relationship, process and custom data mapping as we require, right down to the last field. They are a 5 out of 5.

My name is Bill Crosby, and I am the CEO and Founder of Brush Off, Inc. You can contact me at (508) 258-5018. For details about my company visit our website at http://www.brushoff.com/

Friday, October 5, 2012

InterWeave Smart Solutions adds new Extraordinary Features

InterWeave Smart Solutions, the world’s leading provider of Smart Solutions that integrate the leading CRM provider, Salesforce, SugarCRM, MS Dynamics, etc with Financial Applications like QuickBooks, eCommerce systems like Magento, Credit Card Processing Systems like Authorize.net and much more. The difference is Smart Solutions have already created the integration – it’s presented to you in configurable form with picklist, drop downs, custom fields, etc. -  just like Salesforce.
InterWeave Smart Solutions are currently helping thousands of Sales, Financial and Operations professionals manage their business better. No more manual processes. No more standalone systems to run your business. You now have instant access to your customer’s information in consolidated form – in either application(s). More time to work on your business instead of in it.
New Features? Every four to five weeks, InterWeave Smart Solutions releases a new set of functionality based on guidance from our customers. In the Integration Economy, consistently providing new features to surpass customer’s expectations is the norm.
1. Multi-invoice creation from one opportunity
In today’s rapid business pace, companies require creation of multiple invoices from one opportunity in real time, to support continuity in customer records. InterWeave Smart Solutions creates the initial Invoice upon creation of the opportunity in Salesforce. For example, a $395 Membership Fee Invoice is created upon establishing the opportunity in Salesforce. Next, the Account Representative has discussions with the customer regarding program selection and detail, and can now create a second Invoice with newly created line item detail. Both Invoices are linked to the Customer in QuickBooks and the Account in Salesforce. 
2. Product line items or custom line items
InterWeave Smart Solutions customers can now select, through configuration, either standard Product Line Items or custom Line Items when they are building out their Opportunity detail in their Salesforce Opportunity. Configurable selections have been added in the Opportunity to Invoice, Opportunity to Sales Order and Opportunity to Sales Receipt pages to provide customers with very flexible options.
3. Custom object integration
The ability to select a custom object, as opposed to a standard object, is now available as a configuration option in all four InterWeave Smart Solutions for Salesforce to QuickBooks. You can substitute custom objects vs. standard objects to build your detail in your Accounts, Opportunities and Products. You will have to connect the fields you’re looking to integrate, but access to custom objects is now configurable.
4. CC/ACH payments/refunds going to QuickBooks automatically
Our Credit Card/ACH Payment Gateway Solution is tightly integrated with our Salesforce_QuickBooks Smart Solution. We’ve added the capability of Payments/Refunds, processed in Salesforce at the Opportunity or Account level, to create Received Payments or Refund transactions in QuickBooks – in real time. Combined with our 30/60/90 and Current Balance Outstanding feature – you have a 360 view of you customer in Salesforce. Additionally, these custom objects and fields are available for reporting in Salesforce.
5. Dynamic assignment of QB Accounts from COA to QB Items when created from SF
 Now Products/Items can be assigned to Accounts from COA two ways:
1.     Static assignment - when corresponding Accounts are set explicitly in Company configuration.
2.     Dynamic assignment when each Product/Item can have a specific value of each Account from the corresponding field in CRM system.
If more then one Account is needed to create an Item - combined schema can e used as well (some Accounts assigned statically, some - dynamically).
6. Real time Integration Metrics (coming soon)
Real time Integration Metrics will be available in your Salesforce as a Dashboard. Integration Connection Status, Total Dollar transactions by type – Salesforce to QuickBooks, Total Dollar transactions by type – QuickBooks to Salesforce, etc. Looking of others?  Just let us know.
Want to learn more?  Watch an On-Demand demonstration here for our Salesforce_QuickBooks Smart Solution, or the real-time Credit Card and ACH Solution.
Want to discuss your specific business workflow and requirements?  Email me back, or call at (203) 274-5226.
Thank you for your interest in InterWeave Smart Solutions, I look forward to talking with you soon!